Please keep your vocabulary in hand-written notes.
Semester 1 Words
Handwritten Vocabulary:
1) Stage - the area of the theatre where the actors perform; any performance space
2) House - the area of the theatre where the audience sits (our theatre seats 400)
3) Marketing - Types of media a
Please keep your vocabulary in hand-written notes.
Semester 1 Words
Handwritten Vocabulary:
1) Stage - the area of the theatre where the actors perform; any performance space
2) House - the area of the theatre where the audience sits (our theatre seats 400)
3) Marketing - Types of media and ways used to attract audiences such as posters, flyers, trailers, announcements, bulletin boards, billboards, radio ads, and social media, even word of mouth
4) props - items carried onstage by actors in a show
Week 2
FOCUS: the audition process
5) blocking - movements made by actors onstage (not choreography)
6) cast and crew - the cast is the performers, and the crew is the people working behind the scenes. Crew always wear all black.
7) Call Time - the time actors and crew are expected to arrive at the theatre for a show or rehearsal
8) Dress Rehearsal - a final rehearsal that uses all costumes, lighting, transitions, and elements of a real show
Watch this video for info about our vocabulary
Week 2 Voc. video:
Week 3
Week 3 Vocabulary:
9) proscenium arch - the brick structure around the outside of the stage; a frame through which the audience watches the show - see video for better explanation!
10) Apron - the area of the stage that juts slightly into the audience.
11) cyclorama - the white, flat curtain at the rear of the stage
Hailey-ann explains the cyclorama!
12) grand vs. traveler - the grand is purple and velvet and is the closest curtain to the audience.
The traveler is a black curtain that divides the stage in half, separating downstage from upstage
Hailey-ann explains the grand and traveler!
words 9-12 video: - Explanation of words 9-12
Week 4
13) gaff tape - black, cloth, expensive tape used to tape down cords
14) spike tape - skinny, brightly colored tape, used to show where things go onstage
15) duct tape VS. electrical tape - duct tape is wide and comes in a variety of colors and patterns; electrical tape is usually black and made of rubber
16) masking tape - made of paper, usually beige or blue, and has an only slightly sticky back
Vocabulary 13 to 16 video:
Week 5 -
(Adv. Theatre bonus word: Periaktoi)
17) stage manager: the person who manages the actors, props, and movement of scenery onstage; he or she takes attendance, records blocking, gives lines, and dozens of other jobs during rehearsals
18) director: this person enacts his or her vision for the show by casting the show, creating blocking, helping actors to become their characters, managing transitions between scenes, and approving designs for costumes, sets, and props
19) house manager: this person manages the ushers, ticket table, concessions table, merchandise table, and seating chart for the audience
20) crew: these individuals make up the technical group who run the technical aspects of the show including lights, sound, tracks, mics, speakers, special effects, flies, curtains, and scenery
Week 6 -
21) Fly - to raise or lower something onto the stage
See this awesome video!
22) Cue - a signal that means it is time for an actor or tech to do something. the signal could be a light cue, sound cue, or line
23) Set - to place an object or piece of scenery onstage
24) Strike - to remove a scenic element or object from the stage
Video explaining these words:
Week 7 - No VOCAB this week
NOTES on the audition process:
1. Find out when auditions are!
2. Prepare your monologue (for a play) or song (for a musical)! (It must be memorized!)
3. Go to auditions and perform your monologue/song.
4. Find out when callbacks will be posted and when they will be held.
5. See if you are on the callbacks list (sometimes you won’t be but you’ll still get a part)
6. Attend callbacks if you are on the list.
7. Find out when and where the final cast list will be posted.
8. Pray to all the gods you can think of….or think happy thoughts….or burn some sage.. something.
9. Check the final cast list for your name.
10. If you got a part, pick up your script and a calendar, congratulations! *If you didn’t get a part, TRY AGAIN! Some shows have very few parts, and sometimes there are too many guys or too may girls. There are lots of reasons you might not have been cast. TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!
*Read your script and highlight your lines before the first read-through!
Quarter 2
Week 1
25) Cross and Counter - When two actors essentially switch places, creating a natural movement onstage; one actor moves in one direction, and the other actor counters, usually behind them.
26) Cheat out - to turn downstage while simultaneously turning to your castmate to whom you are speaking
27) Articulate - to speak very clearly, pronouncing every sound of every word
28) Project - to speak loudly so you can be heard at the back of the house
Week 2
29) Rehearsal Box - a wooden box used to take the place of a piece of scenery in a rehearsal
30) wagon - a piece of wood with wheels used to move heavy scenery on and offstage during a show
31) flats - 4x8 foot piece of plywood that makes scenery when put together
32) stock scenery - platforms, flats, and rehearsal boxes that are reused from show to show
33) UV: - a type of light that when reflected on a plain white surface looks blueish purple
34) actor etiquette: a set of rules that actors should follow to be polite
35) audience etiquette: a set of rules audience members should follow to be polite
36) Slate: to state your name and age/grade and the name of whatever you're performing before you start to perform something short like in an audition
Vocabulary will be taught in zoom meetings. Zoom meetings will be Mondays for Theatre 2/3 and Tuesdays for Theatre 1 and Technical Theatre.
37) offer - to make a statement or to give a "gift" to someone to inspire them during an improv game
38) accept - to agree to whatever someone offers, and providing another offer
39) callback - to refer to a previous joke
40) status - the power exchange between two characters
41) denial - to negate someone's offer
42) bulldozing - forcefully taking over the scene and not cooperating with your partner
43) gossip - to talk rather than doing in a scene
44) objective - what the character wants or needs
45) short form - a short improv game that can be 30 seconds to 3 or 4 minutes with lots of audience participation
46) long form - a long improv game that can run 10 minutes or longer with less audience participation
45A (advanced theatre) - edit - a change or adaptation to a scene (Fastforward or backup, for example)
45B (advanced theatre) - sweep - ending a scene physically by running across stage to let the audience know a new scene, idea, or game is starting
Final Week of Semester Vocabulary Video:
47: Acts and scenes - Most plays are divided into acts, which are divided into scenes. Shakespeare's plays are always divided into five acts.
48. matinee: a matinee is a show performed in the afternoon. It is sometimes less expensive to attend than a night show.
49. mime : to mime is to perform actions without props
50. Intermission - a break between two parts of a show (in Shakespeare, it usually comes around Act III.)
Semester 2:
Week 1 -
1) Parody - an alternate, funny version of a preexisting work.
2) Playbill - a program that a usher hands you that tells cast and crew information about the show
3) graphics: pictures and images
4) billing: lists of people involved in a show (often in a program or on a poster)
Week 2 - January 10 thru 14
Include in your notebook!!!!!!!!
Week 2
Focus: Budgets, Marketing, and Advertising
5) royalties
6) rights
7) Public Domain
8) Portrait vs. Landscape
9) Playwright
Week 2 Vocabulary Lesson:
Week 3
Focus: An introduction to musicals
10) musicals
11) straight plays
12) choreography
13) curtain call
14) orchestra pit
Vocabulary lesson week 3:
Week 4
Focus: Acting, spectacle, and special effects onstage vs. on film
15) spectacle
16) passage of time
17) transitions
18) special effects
19) on location
Video explanation of words 61 thru 65
Week 5
Focus: Onstage vs. Film continued unit
20) lighting (onstage vs. on film)
21) sound (onstage vs. on film)
22) music (onstage vs. on film)
23) acting (onstage vs. on film)
24) singing (onstage vs. on film)
(Skip to 2:10 in the video for vocab)
Week 6 - February 8 thru 12
No vocabulary this week!
Take your vocab test on Kiddom!
Watch the musical theatre clips.
Do your journal entry!
Week 7 (February 15 thru 19)
A continuation of Musical Theatre
25) Overture
26). Score
27) Season
28) Broadway
29) West End
Vocab is in lesson video for this week:
Vocab starts at 00:30
3 tasks:
Week 8 - Catch up on week 7
Week 9 - Musical Theatre test
Quarter 4
Week 1 - Received Pronunciation
(RP British Accents)
30. Silent R
cart and Arthur
31. Crispy T
that little cat
32. Broad A
the grass bath
34. Short A
the tan cat on horseback
35. The long O
always call me
Week 2
These are some fun British words that are completely different from the way we use them! Enjoy!
36. lift
37. flat
38. chips
39. crisps
40. scone
41. biscuit
42. alright?
43. trousers
44. pants
45. loo
No Vocabulary
Week 4
46. Fable
47. Moral
48. Skit
49. compliment sandwich
50. format
Adapt one of these short stories into a short play, and I will give you a late-work grade for what you are missing. Your short play should be typed and printed and submitted into the late work box on the table at the front of the classroom. If you are in 9th or 10th grade, your adaptation should be 300 or more words. If you are in 11th or 12th grade, your adaptation should be 500 or more words.
Wanting to audition for a lead role? Go ahead and find and memorize a one-minute monologue and learn 30 seconds of a Broadway or Disney song to prepare!
Read a play and write a response! Your response should be at least 300 words and tell what you thought of the play and whether you think it might be good for our school to perform. Here is a link to some free plays, but you can search elsewhere, too!
There are several free plays out there right now on You Tube. Even Andrew Lloyd Webber is streaming a new musical every Friday! Get on Google and find some stuff to WATCH and enjoy! Then write a short critique (300 words or more) of what you liked and didn't like. You can comment on costumes, sets, tech, special effects, acting, or anything you want. Please avoid commenting on plot!
Copyright © 2022 Smyrna High School Theatre - All Rights Reserved -
Website updated August 2, 2022